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Revision 8 as of 2021-05-18 02:05:29
Size: 390
Editor: YuhangZhao
Revision 9 as of 2021-05-18 02:14:07
Size: 747
Editor: YuhangZhao
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= Frequency dependent squeezing =

 [[SQZ-ASQZ measurement|{{attachment:fds1.png||width=500}}]]

'''Losses factors''':

In vacuum losses: 12.5%

In air propagation losses: 12%

Detection efficiency: 6%

Photodiode quantum efficiency: 0.5%

Photodiode AR coating: 0.5%

Classical noise: 1%

OPO escape inefficiency: 9.6%

Total: 35.9%

Frequency independent squeezing

  • SQZ-ASQZ measurement

Losses factors:

Dichroic mirror: 1%

Faraday isolator: 3%

Mirror losses/lenses losses: 2%

Detection efficiency: 3%

Photodiode quantum efficiency: 0.5%

Photodiode AR coating: 0.5%

Classical noise: 1%

OPO escape inefficiency: 9.6%

Total: 19.1%

Frequency dependent squeezing

  • SQZ-ASQZ measurement

Losses factors:

In vacuum losses: 12.5%

In air propagation losses: 12%

Detection efficiency: 6%

Photodiode quantum efficiency: 0.5%

Photodiode AR coating: 0.5%

Classical noise: 1%

OPO escape inefficiency: 9.6%

Total: 35.9%

FilterCavity/losses and Phase noise (last edited 2021-05-21 10:57:41 by YuhangZhao)